Sunday, March 4, 2012

Writing Test

Hello all! I have not blogged in waaaayyy too long! Can you say busy??

Well anyway, my 5th graders recently took their state writing test. I wanted to share with you some cute little snacks that I provided them with. I find that food is very comforting to everyone and helps ease their nerves. My kiddos always get really nervous before the writing test (as do I). I think it is because we don't know what the topic will be so I worry that I haven't prepared them properly and they worry they won't know what to write. So all of that to say, I provided a few snack for them as they came in that morning.

The first one is juice to help them remember "juicy" details in their writing. 
-I teach the kids to use "juicy" or detailed words all year long.

Next, I gave them Cheerios! This was so they knew I was "cheer"ing them on to success.

Last, I gave them Chex mix. This was to remind them that a good writer "chex" their work when they are done.

Here is a picture of the snacks all displayed for them as they came in the morning of the writing test. They were very pleasantly surprised!

So do you provide snacks on testing days? I would love to hear what other teachers do!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Great Blog - I now follow!

Unless Teaching